Card symbols on a dark purple field marked with faint X's

Zhēng Shàngyóu (River Rumble)

👤 Players:
⏱ Time to play:
30 minutes
♟ Equipment:
52 card deck + 2 jokers.
🧠 Designer(s):

This is a variant of Zhēng Shàngyóu / 争上游 (which roughly translates to Struggling Upstream, or if you're a fan of alliteration: River Rumble) as catalogued by John Owen on BGG.

Setup #

Card Order #

The card rankings in ascending order:

Suits do not matter!

Combos #


Bombs #

Rules #

The player holding the 3 of Spades leads first (but is not required to play the 3). This player may lead with any combination.

Standard climbing rules apply:

Goal #

First player to shed out wins. Last place shuffles for the next game.

Scoring #

Score isn't always kept, but if desired:

First to make 6 points wins. If there's a tie, play another hand to break the tie.

Date added: