Card symbols on a dark purple field marked with faint X's

Struggling Upstream (Zhēng Shàngyóu)

👤 Players:
3-4 (Best at 3)
⏱ Time to play:
30 minutes
♟ Equipment:
52 card deck + 2 jokers.
🧠 Designer(s):
QR Code
Player Aid
Combo (ASC) Example
Single 8
Pair 99
Trip 444
Full House 66KKK
Run 456
Stair JJQQ
Plate 777888
Bomb 3333
Rocket Both Jokers

Player with 2♠︎ starts. Bombs/Rockets can be played at any time. Suits do not matter.

Card Rank (ASC)
2 → A (as normal)
Black Joker
Red Joker

This is a variant of Zhēng Shàngyóu / 争上游 (which roughly translates to Struggling Upstream). As a folk game, there are dozens of variants and house rules that vary by geographical region.

Setup #

Play #

The player holding the 2 of Spades leads first (but is not required to play it). This player may lead with any combination.

Goal #

First player to shed out (get rid of all cards) wins.

Card Order #

The card rankings in ascending order:

Suits do not matter!

Combos #

A combo can only be beaten by a higher version of itself (or a bomb/rocket).

Bombs #

Bombs can be played at any time and can be beaten by a higher bomb. The rocket beat bombs.

Scoring #

Score isn't always kept, but if desired:

First to make 6 points wins. If there's a tie, play another hand to break the tie.

Last place shuffles for the next game.

Nathan's Notes

Great simple game that's easy to teach and quick to play. Traditionally the 2's are played as the highest cards, but I've omitted that for teaching simplicity. The targeted discard to achieve an even deal is from Hearts, and ensures that the 2♠︎ remains to start the hand.

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